Steam link
Steam link

steam link
  1. Steam link update#
  2. Steam link for android#
  3. Steam link software#
  4. Steam link Pc#

You'll find instructions to update the firmware on the manufacturer's website.Ĭonsider also a new Ethernet cable.

  • Buy a new router better suited for Steam Link.
  • If this isn't an option, find a channel that other devices are not using, and use a wireless extender.Īnother solution to problems is to update your network hardware. On the matter of interference, it is worth switching your router from the 2.4 GHz to 5 GHz band.

    Wireless interference between the PC and Steam Link can cause issues - having one connected via Ethernet is a solution to some of these. Unfortunately, the previous tip won’t help if you’re trying to play your favorite old-school games through an emulator because the Steam Link won’t identify your controller when you try to use them (i.e. Well, one way around this is to have either the Steam Link or the computer connected to the router.

    steam link steam link

    While the optimum setup will have both Steam Link and PC physically connected to your router, this may not be possible.

    With the help of Steam Link, it’s possible to connect to your PC and. Steam Link is a hardware and software solution made by Valve Corporation for streaming Steam content from a personal computer or Steam Machine wirelessly to. Many popular Bluetooth controllers, including The Steam Controller are compatible. For best performance, use 5G WiFi or a wired ethernet connection. Steam has a feature that allows users from other platforms stream games, which is useful if you want to play something on your phone that’s only available on the PC. Using Steam Link, you can connect to any computer that’s running Steam.

    One of the main issues you'll face with the Steam Link is poor performance due to connectivity. Steam Link is a stand-alone hardware device to enable streaming of Steam content from a personal computer or a Steam Machine wirelessly to a television set. Steam Link is an application for Android that lets users play their Steam games on the mobile platforms. But for now, buy it while you can.These Steam Link configuration tips should help. I’ve asked Valve if it can provide lifetime sales numbers for the Steam Link, and I’ll update this post if I get a reply. I’ve never tried a wireless HDMI-like connection before, or since, that was anywhere near as bulletproof as this. Still, I’ll never agree that any ol’ laptop or phone would have been an acceptable substitute for my trusty Steam Link. ( Apple rejected the Steam Link app for iOS.) And Valve no longer seems to have a hardware business it feels the need to promote, recently hiding the hardware section of its website after its overarching Steam Machines initiative fell flat.Ī decent laptop can also easily stand in for a Steam Link as long as you’ve got Steam installed and a way to connect it to your TV, via Valve’s in-home streaming service. Valve has since brought the Steam Link app directly to Android phones and Samsung smart TVs, where it can support 4K streaming, unlike the original puck. But the Steam Link - launched in 2015 - admittedly doesn’t have as many reasons to exist today as it did back then. NVidia Shield works great though, bar HDR game streaming niggles that Im happy to blame Windows. Here’s how much I love this gadget: When the Steam Link hit $20, I actually bought a second one that I keep pristine in the box, just in case my primary ever conks out. In addition, Valve released its Steam Link app on macOS. I bought a second one that I keep pristine in the box

    Steam link